I'm trying to get the Alien ObjectiveC bridge to work, and I'm having a problem (right now no cog, just cocoa vm 5.7 with "regular" alien, NewspeakI32ABIPlugin), and I'm having a problem on sending a message with this form: 

primFFICallResult: resultAlien
withArguments: {anAlien. aLargePositiveInteger}

so... it is answering primitiveFail (code 3), because the third argument is bad taken when converting... the primitive does this path: 

long v = interpreterProxy->signed32BitValueOf(arg);
value = (((byteAt((oop + (BASE_HEADER_SIZE)) + 0)) + ((byteAt((oop + (BASE_HEADER_SIZE)) + 1)) << 8)) + ((byteAt((oop + (BASE_HEADER_SIZE)) + 2)) << 16)) + ((byteAt((oop + (BASE_HEADER_SIZE)) + 3)) << 24);

value here is negative, and of course, it throws an error. 

So... anybody has a clue of whats wrong? I know the number is actually a LargePositiveInteger, so it should be ok, and pass... so any idea?
