Weird ehh, because you use #internalStackValue:  along StackInterpreter in a lot of other places and you don't have problems there.

Turns out it's not weird at all.  Since  lookupInMethodCacheSel:class: is used outside of interpret in findNewMethodInClass: and in callback lookup it can't be inlined and hence can't access localSP.  

Hi Eliot. Thanks for you answer. It also turns out that I don't know enough about SLANG ;)  so it was not weird at all but expected. Ok, I am learning in the way. So I understand that sentence. But  (down)
If you want to get the receiver you'll need to use stackValue: *and* you'll need to ensure that stackPointer is updated when calling lookupInMethodCacheSel:class: from internalFindNewMethod (see externalizeFPandSP), which may slow down the interpreter slightly.

I DO understand what #externalizeFPandSP does, but what I don't understand is why I should only do it in #internalFindNewMethod. I mean, what happens with all the rest of the senders of #lookupInMethodCacheSel:class:   ?  maybe if one of those senders do not update stackPointer (externalizeFPandSP), then in #lookupInMethodCacheSel:class:  I will be accessing something wrong ?

Anyway, I wanted to trace the receiver in #lookupInMethodCacheSel:class:  to avoid doing it in all its senders. But with the problem found, I workarrounded by tracing the receiver in its senders (only those inlined) and that seems to work :)


 You're going to have to delve into the inliner in Slang.  This is, um, not fun.  I liken it to getting hit on the head with a stick by your guru, except that no enlightenment results.  Good luck.

:(   thanks.


Thanks in advance,




