Hi Clément,

This isn't a moose image but the latest Gtoolkit image (there's plenty of room for reducing the size of the image, but that will be after functionality has stabilised).

The problem is that the GC cannot be tuned by default for strong machines or the VM won't start on small devices such as the Pie Nano, and the VM has to work for everyone.

Understood. :-)

If you're using a machine with much more RAM than the heap size, you can tune things so that it uses an extra fixed amount of memory (for example 50Mb extra through growth headroom and eden size) but runs faster. You can also tune the full GC ratio but you have to be more careful since the extra memory used is proportional to heap size.

Our development machines all have much more RAM than the heap size, so I'll play with tuning the headroom and eden sizes.

I'm sure you can set-up something so that the base settings in the Feenk image is tuned up. It's not clear you'll gain more than 10-20% though at 220Mb.

The image starts at 220Mb, but while running the virtual memory usage of the process can increase by a Gb or more, so I think the tuning will still be worthwhile.


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