Hi Bruce,

    thanks for the prompt feedback.  I think I've fixed it.  Alas I can't run 32-bit binaries on my mac because the Cocoa GUi no longer compiles under supported MacOS versions.  I should have checked with the simulator.  Please check commit a29dc4bea18c728d40f8b16dfe879642d0410d91

    CogVM sources as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.3146

    InterpreterPrimitives: fix the 64-bit large integer support on 32-bit platforms.

On Sun, Feb 6, 2022 at 7:02 AM Bruce O'Neel <bruce.oneel@pckswarms.ch> wrote:

Hi all,

The commit below causes an all white screen on 32 bit Squeak.  Well at least Arm 32.



CogVM source as per Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.3144
Spur CoInterpreter: harmonize named and numbered primitive Spur primitive
property flags. Use a common pragma, primitiveMetadata:, to mark named
primitives and numbered primitives.  Mark several methods with the
PrimCallOnSmalltalkStack (a.k.a. FastCPrimitiveFlag) flag, especially
BoxedFloat, SmallFloat, and 64-bit LargeInteger primitives in
InterpreterPrimitives.  Make sure that vmParameterAt: uses that flag, even
though the other versions of primitive 254 do not.

Nuke support for the old pre-Alien callbacks.  Only very old versions of
two plugins use this, and it's easy to upgrade to use Alien callbacks.
(missing from the Monticello commit message)

Spur Cogit: Instead of setting newMethod & primitiveFunctionPointer for all
primitives, only set newMethod  & primitiveFunctionPointer on failure (unless
a primitive uses the PrimCallNeedsNewMethod flag).  Use a CallRT to invoke
internal primitives if it spans far enough.

best, Eliot