
    can you please profile before and after?  This could very well be to do with the additional cost of shallowCopy for contexts, but it is inevitable that a correct implementation is going to be more expensive than the simple block-copy.  The new implementation can be optimized, but we need to profile first to be sure we're tilting at the relevant windmill.


On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Philippe Marschall <> wrote:
On 26.04.2011 23:01, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>  These fix
> shallowCopy and copyFrom: for contexts and (I hope) fix the linux Locale
> plugin.

I'm seeing quite a drastic performance degradation in the last two Cog
releases for Seaside. r2361 and r2370 would yield about 4300 to 4400
"points" for /tests/functional/WAPerformanceFunctionalTest. r2378 and
r2380 are down to about 2600 to 2700. That's almost a third slower.
