On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 6:23 AM, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar@gmail.com> wrote:

Levente pointed out that while Cog has this primitive, the Interpreter
VM doesn't, and so his Inbox submission
(http://source.squeak.org/inbox/System-ul.528.mcz) can't really go
into Trunk yet.

Given that this is something that I feel strongly about - I need this
primitive so that builds will actually _fail_ and not continue trying
random things on things in random states - it seems likely that I'll
be the one to implement the thing.

SO. How might I go about porting the Cog version? Do I simply start to
Read the Source?

Get commit rights to trunk.  Refactor ioExit(void) into ioExit(void) and ioExitWithErrorCode(int) (you can take the code from the Cog branch).  Then add the primitive to VMMaker trunk.  Then sit back and bask in the feeling of a job well done.
