Hi David,

thanks for sharing your observations, this fits in with my own results.

By the way I did the same 3 tests with a VM which I compiled from the OpenSmalltalk Cog branch (not from the PR).

I seem to be having the same results.

So there appears not to be any regression.

But basically I don't understand what you are trying to fix.

Here is how you can observe the erroneous under-the-hood behavior this PR aims to fix:

  1. In a recent Squeak image, browse HandMorph >> #generateDropFilesEvent: and insert the following line after the assignment of dragType:
    Transcript showln: dragType.
  2. Open a Transcript
  3. Drag a file into the image

Transcript output on an X11 platform using the latest released plugin version:

1 (dragEnter)
2 (dragMove)
2 (dragMove)
2 (dragMove)
3 (dragLeave)
4 (dragDrop)
3 (dragLeave)

Transcript when compiling the plugin with the proposed patch applied:

1 (dragEnter)
2 (dragMove)
2 (dragMove)
2 (dragMove)
4 (dragDrop)

The current image implementation does not care about the additional, false dragLeave events, but my changeset which I am planning to put into the inbox will do so.

Is this comprehensible? 😅

PS: For some reasons all your posts arrive multiple times in the repository. Also, they would be easier to read if you could use codefences (```) :-)


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