Hi Denis, what's the test?  Send me the code and I'll try it in Squeak

_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)

On Feb 29, 2016, at 2:39 AM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisiydk@gmail.com> wrote:

But this change not makes debugging test working. During debugging prim call return nil. 

2016-02-29 11:12 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisiydk@gmail.com>:
Hi Eliot. 

We have test for debugging failed named primitive. And without template trick this test is not working. Debugging this test step by step shows what is really not working. We not got error code from prim call while doing step over it.
It is CodeSimulationTest>>testErrorCodeNotFound

Beside your fix with method header not helps alone. I make all tests working with another change. But I am not really understand this code:

tryNamedPrimitiveIn: aCompiledMethod for: aReceiver withArgs: arguments
"Invoke the named primitive for aCompiledMethod, answering its result, or,
 if the primiitve fails, answering the error code."
<primitive: 218 error: ec>
ec ifNotNil:
["If ec is an integer other than -1 there was a problem with primitive 218,
  not with the external primitive itself.  -1 indicates a generic failure (where
  ec should be nil) but ec = nil means primitive 218 is not implemented.  So
  interpret -1 to mean the external primitive failed with a nil error code."
 ec isInteger ifTrue:
[ec = -1
ifTrue: [ec := nil]
ifFalse: [^self class primitiveFailTokenFor: ec]]].
^"execute prim by template method" 

So it is fixes Pharo tests problem. But I don't know what other issues it can produce.

2016-02-27 11:39 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisiydk@gmail.com>:
Hi Eliot

2016-02-27 0:25 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
So the code to change the number of arguments is fine.  What's wrong is the code to store the error code.  That comes /after/ the three byte call primitive bytecode at the start of the method.  So it should read

xpc := self initialPC + 3.
"long store temp"
(self at: xpc) = 129 ifTrue:
[self at: xpc + 1 put: (16r40 + numArgs).
self at: xpc + 3 put: (16r10 + numArgs)]

Is there any solution to make it working?

The above should work.  But there's a much easier way

This works. Thank's. I will try your attachment later. 

Best regards,