Hi Stefano,

it is possible to export your project to your hard disk:

2. Inside Scratch, click "Save" as you normally would, give it a name. I just did that and named mine "test".
3. go to https://squeak.js.org/run/ and scroll down inside the file box: 
4. click the "/Scratch/Scratch Projects/test.sb" link to download the project file.

To import an older project you simply drag-and-drop it into ScratchJS. Or drop it into the "run" page and then use Scratch's file dialog - you just need to navigate up to the right folder (Click "Computer" then "SqueakJS"):


When I just tested this it said the file was corrupted, not sure if that is a general problem or not. 
Someone should investigate - to get to the Morphic desktop, shift-click the loop in the R of the SCRATCH logo:


Feel free to file bug reports / feature requests at https://github.com/bertfreudenberg/SqueakJS/issues/

It would be relatively simple to make a proper stand-alone app out of this by packaging it via Electron, and using the actual file system instead of the in-browser file system. I just do not have the time for that currently.


- Bert -

On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at  7:32 AM David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
Hi Stefano,

I think that your understanding is correct. SqueakJS stores files
in an internal database, so the Scratch files that you saved do not
appear directly on your PC.

I do not know if it possible to copy those files to the file system
on your PC, but hopefully someone on the squeak-dev mailing list will
have an answer.

Thanks for asking,

On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 09:51:25AM +0000, stefano federici wrote:

>  >> you want to understand where the Scratch files are stored on your PC.
> > Correct. So that I can easily open my old Scratch projects and I can send projects that I develop in ScratchJS to other people
> UPDATE: I created and saved a project in the "SqueakJS" folder (the one shown in ScratchJS) and I made a full search in my PC. The file was not found. So, I guess projects are just saved in an internal SqueakJS DB? If it is so, this makes unfortunately ScratchJS useless for my purposes. And I have no sufficient javascript/smalltalk knowledge to try myself to change this behaviour (that I guess would possible in principle, as a lot of JS apps allow to save file locally).
> Cheers
> Stefano
> > I am also CC'ing the squeak-dev mailing list where some of the real Scratch and SqueakJS experts reside.
> Thanks a lot Dave
> > I think that you are asking about running Scratch on Bert Freudenberg's SqueakJS, which is a modern Squeak virtual machine implemented entirely in JavaScript for HML5
> Correct
> > If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about how to run Scratch on SqueakJS locally on your PC
> Yes. I partially solved the problem by downloading page https://squeak.js.org/run/ and by dragging my Scratch.image file into the page. ScratchJS runs apparently fine. I also partially solved the problem of running local files, by dragging the Scratch projects on the Scratch app running in SqueakJS
> > you want to understand where the Scratch files are stored on your PC.
> Correct. So that I can easily open my old Scratch projects and I can send projects that I develop in ScratchJS to other people
> Thanks for your help
> Stefano Federici
> -------------------------------------------------
> Universit?? degli Studi di Cagliari
> Facolt?? di Studi Umanistici
> Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia e Filosofia
> Via Is Mirrionis 1, 09123 Cagliari, Italia
> -------------------------------------------------
> Tel: +39 349 818 1955 Fax: +39 070 675 7113
> Il domenica 9 febbraio 2020, 04:05:38 CET, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> ha scritto:
> Hi Stefano,
> I am changing the subject line to "SqueakJS for Scratch" because google
> sends me somewhere else for "ScratchJS".
> I think that you are asking about running Scratch on Bert Freudenberg's
> SqueakJS, which is a modern Squeak virtual machine implemented entirely
> in JavaScript for HML5, rather than the traditional compiled virtual
> machines that run on operating systems such as Linux and Windows.
> If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about how to
> run Scratch on SqueakJS locally on your PC, and you want to understand
> where the Scratch files are stored on your PC.
> I do not have good answers to your questions but I am sure that others
> on this list can help. I am also CC'ing the squeak-dev mailing list
> where some of the real Scratch and SqueakJS experts reside.
> Here are some useful links for SqueakJS information:
> ?? https://squeak.js.org/
> ?? http://try.squeak.org/
> ?? https://github.com/bertfreudenberg/SqueakJS
> And for Scratch:
> ?? https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/a-new-version-of-scratch-for-raspberry-pi-now-with-added-gpio/
> ?? https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/test-tims-nuscratch-beta/
> ?? https://github.com/raspberrypi/scratch
> Dave
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 01:01:57AM +0000, stefano federici wrote:
> >??
> >?? I managed running ScratchJS locally by saving the page https://squeak.js.org/run/ to my PC and the dragging my Scratch.image into the page.
> >
> > What I don't know is where the SqueakJS file system is stored. When I open the File>Open dialog I can see the SqueakJS and ScratchProjects folders. Where are they stored in my PC?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Stefano Federici
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > Universit?? degli Studi di Cagliari
> > Facolt?? di Studi Umanistici
> > Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia e Filosofia
> > Via Is Mirrionis 1, 09123 Cagliari, Italia
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > Tel: +39 349 818 1955 Fax: +39 070 675 7113
> >
> >?? ?? ?? Il venerd?? 7 febbraio 2020, 21:39:50 CET, stefano federici <s_federici@yahoo.com> ha scritto:??
> >??
> >?? Dear All,
> > I have two questions about ScratchJS (that I think is an awesome project):
> > - is it possible to run ScratchJS locally? I tried to run index.html in the SqueakJS-master\scratch folder, but I just got a black square in the upper left corner
> > - can I open local projects in ScratchJS?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your help
> >
> > Regards
> > Stefano Federici
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > Universit?? degli Studi di Cagliari
> > Facolt?? di Studi Umanistici
> > Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia e Filosofia
> > Via Is Mirrionis 1, 09123 Cagliari, Italia
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > Tel: +39 349 818 1955 Fax: +39 070 675 7113??