Hi Tobi,

On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 12:40 PM Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 5. Jul 2022, at 21:20, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 12:13 PM Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Eliot, all
> > On 5. Jul 2022, at 21:08, Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@hpi.de> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Eliot --
> >
> > I cannot reproduce that issue on macOS 11.6.5.
> >
> > 1. Download Squeak 6.0 as .dmg container.
> > 2. Move contents (.app), for example, onto desktop.
> > 3. Drop an arbitrary .image onto that .app.
> > 4. That .image will be opened.
> >
> > Well, your "Note" looks like you are trying to run that .app from some temporary folder? How did you achieve that?
> The keyword "AppTranslocation" hints that the bundle was started from the Download location or the DMG.
> 1. I downloaded the all-in-one.
> 2. macos (12.4) unzipped the all-in-one bundle into a ~/Downloads/Squeak6 directory, containing the fat binary mac app bundle containing the other VMs and the Mac VM in ~/Squeak/Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/
> 3. I moved this to my Squeak directory, giving me ~/Squeak/Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app et al
> 4. I copied the image and changes file into a ~/Squeak/Squeak6.0 directory as trunk6-64.image/changes
> 5. I dropped the image on the ~/Squeak/Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app bundle and got the translocation
> 6. I opened the app using the command line from ~/Squeak/Squeak6.0:
>         open trunk6-64.image -a ~/Squeak/Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app --stdout=`tty` --stderr=`tty`
>     and got the translocation
> 7. I ran the VM binary from the command line:
>         ../Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak trunk6-64.image
>     and got the warning about no sources in ../Squeak6
> Please throw away the app or DMG, download again and MOVE the app somewhere else, and then start.
> This precludes translocation.
> I'm not using the DMG.  I downloaded the all-in-one, and moved it.

In that case, I really wonder what's going on.
Can you give me the output of

ls -le@ Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
Squeak$ ls -le@ Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 eliot  staff  4100688 Jul  4 16:30 Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
com.apple.quarantine     57
Squeak$ ls -le@ Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app
total 0
drwxr-xr-x@ 10 eliot  staff  320 Jul  4 16:32 Contents
com.apple.quarantine 57

xattr -l Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak

Squeak$ xattr -l Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
com.apple.quarantine: 0083;62c487a3;Safari;2D1FCF49-69DA-447C-BA51-16CC663654C4

Squeak$ xattr -l Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app
com.apple.quarantine: 0083;62c487a3;Safari;2D1FCF49-69DA-447C-BA51-16CC663654C4 


xattr -l ~/Downloads/Squeak6
com.apple.quarantine: 0083;62c4b913;Safari;90386985-D5B9-4492-AF0B-766931630126

Squeak$ xattr -l ~/Downloads/Squeak6/Squeak6.0-22101-64bit-All-in-One.app
com.apple.quarantine: 0083;62c4b913;Safari;90386985-D5B9-4492-AF0B-766931630126


> (this is unavoidable.)
> Have you got a pointer to the relevant documentation?

Apple is scarce on any usable stuff lately…

>  Do I have to duplicate the Squeak6 directory?

you should not, if you moved stuff, macOS should have disabled translocation -.-

Lapcatsoftware has old info:

Here's someone avoiding translocation via some exploit, hence not recommendable:

Forum says signing the dmg or bundle helps (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/133743):
>Another solution is to sign the .dmg file too, that should avoid app translocation if I remember correctly.

This I can help with.  We have to do this for Virtend.  We sign both the app bundle and the DMG.  I guess one can also sign a zip for the all-in-one (since one uploads a zip containing either the app bundle or the dmg).

We probably have to be tighter in stuff, I just found a "howto":
- https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/701581#701581021
- https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/701514#701514021 (for signing or so…)

:( yay more work.

I have scripts etc.  So LMK

Best regards


> Best regards
>         -Tobias
> >
> > Best,
> > Marcel
> >> Am 05.07.2022 21:03:47 schrieb Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >>     apologies for raining on the parade. Here's what I get when I either launch the Squeak6 app bundle or drop an image on it.  How can this be fixed?  It's not a good default.
> >>
> >> 
> >> <image.png>
> >> _,,,^..^,,,_
> >> best, Eliot

best, Eliot