On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 12:37 AM, Dimitry Golubovsky <golubovsky@gmail.com> wrote:

Mariano Peck wrote:

> The fork of the adroid VM is from the Interpreter VM, isn't it ?

Yes, as much as I can tell.

> Have you ever consider or have in mind to adapt the Cog StackVM ?  I
> remember John saying that this improved performance in the iPhone.

This might be a direction for future work. But not a small thing, I expect.

BTW as you are (I suppose) looking closely at Cog internals, do you
see where the event loop is, and how to replace it with an external
queue handler?

I know where it is, but I have no idea how to replace it.
The loop is in the metho #interpret.
For Cog is in StackInterpreter >> interpret

> Just curiosity...apart from changing the interpreter loop, does this VM
> require more changes in the "VMMaker part" ? because I guess  most of the
> fork is in the platform code.

Since I haven't seen the Slang sources (I have no idea where they are)
of the Event VM, I cannot tell much.

It's a pity if we cannot get the VMMaker :(


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
