On Apr 7, 2016, at 1:40 PM, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

On 07-04-2016, at 8:33 AM, Chris Cunnington <brasspen@gmail.com> wrote:
For example, there is a professor at UCSF who has a project called ANTLR [1].

A quick look leaves me a tad puzzled. For example I can’t quite work out what they mean by
" • subclasses can see the fields of their parent classes; in ST-80 these are private”
since I’m reasonably sure my objects can see the instance variables defined in their parent classes.
And no file format? Does chunk file format per changes/sources/fileouts not count?
And they’re implementing it in java. Gulp.

Most curious.
If they didn’t have questions, I don’t suppose they’d come. They seem nice. 

After that, I’ll make what I learn about using the simulator the first video on http://www.ooplu.com, which will be the first of what will ultimately be hundreds.

If you can make hundreds of good instructional videos we’ll all be very, very, happy. We were talking about this in the board meeting just yesterday.

Making videos is easy. Making a wiki application using Xtreams PEG grammars (i.e. PEGParser class >> grammarWiki) was hard. I had to figure out how to write an actor subclass to PEGActor. That, for me, was extremely difficult. http://www.ooplu.com as a web page doesn’t look like much, but it is now a bootstrapped Ajax wiki on top of Altitude called PEGWiki. Extending PEGWiki’s wiki grammar to include videos from Wistia [1] and making the videos is trivial compared to me trying to understand Michael and Martin’s agglomerations of blocks within blocks with stack arguments constructed by pragmas as single values in a dictionary. Oh my. Although I can use it, I still don’t really get it. 

I’ll show it at my presentation. 


[1] http://www.wistia.com 

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
All the simple programs have been written, and all the good names taken.