On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:

On 10/13/2010 9:52 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua@gmail.com
<mailto:siguctua@gmail.com>> wrote:

   Hi, Mariano.

   I don't understand, why you need to dive into specific primitive(s),
   while you can simply place a hook before entering any primitive

is there a way to do this in a genera way or I need to do it manually
for each primitive?

FWIW, it's questions like these that make people wonder if you've done your homework.

Is it so hard to answer in a ploite way??

If you read my first line of the email says "Hi. Sorry if the question is newbie. I am still reading the blue book, so in case this is explained there I would just appreciate a link to it. "

is it really hard to understand and simply answer page 620 ?

Anyway, those were not my original questions.



The precise question is answered on page 620 of the blue book.

 - Andreas

   mark all objects, which passed as parameters
   (receiver & args) as 'used', and then call primitive function?

The problem is that not all of them are "used" in all primitives. Just
as an example, #bytecodeNew:


    messageSelector := self specialSelector: 28.
    argumentCount := 0.
    self normalSend.

I don't want to trace the receiver there, but it is really not used
there. I will trace it in #normalSend.
Or sometimes a primitive fails because one of the arguments is more than
32bits or because it is not smallInteger or whatever...I don't want to
mark them as used just for being a parameter. I want to mark them when
they are really used by the VM.

I want to avoid as much as overhead as possible.

Right now I put the tracing in #normalSend, but then I modifed some
bytecodes like those for #class or #== since they were not going
throught normal send.

