Hi Vanessa,

On Jan 3, 2022, at 1:03 PM, Vanessa Freudenberg <vanessa@codefrau.net> wrote:

In the OLPC days this plugin enabled copy/paste of objects, pictures. and rich text on all platforms (Mac/Win/X11).

E.g. you could copy/paste a morph from one image to another simply by bringing up its halo, pressing cmd-c, and pressing cmd-v in the other image. All its scripted behavior (Etoys scripts) would be transferred with it. If instead you pasted that morph into a word processor, it would insert a bitmap rendering of the morph. 

Similarly you could copy a picture from a web browser and paste it directly into Squeak. Or copy syntax-highlighted source code from Squeak into an email.

I'm not entirely sure how much of the machinery made into Squeak trunk, but I would guess it's almost all there, might just need some wiring to hook up properly.

The basic image classes are there.  But only the Mac vm support machinery made it.  There is no platforms/unix/plugins/ClipboardExtendedPlugin or platforms/win32/plugins/ClipboardExtendedPlugin that I can find.  Where or who can we reach out to to try and locate this code?


On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 5:07 PM Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Bernhard,

On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 5:27 AM Bernhard Pieber <bernhard@pieber.com> wrote:

Maybe this question is better asked on the vm-dev list. Does anyone know the status of the ClipboardExtendedPlugin?

Happy New Year!


> Am 20.12.2021 um 09:38 schrieb Bernhard Pieber <bernhard@pieber.com>:
> Hi everyone,
> I tried to copy a form as PNG to the clipboard like this:
> ExtendedClipboardInterface current addClipboardDataConvertFormToPNG: self imageForm

With fixes to the plugin ClipboardExtendedPlugin.c generated C file to declare the interface it uses, and the Makefile to compile it, I am able to copy and paste the display into TextEdit on macOS 10.14.  I'll commit fixes to the opensmalltalk-vm repository, and add the plugin to Squeak macOS builds.  Thanks for the heads up :-)

> This seems not to work correctly. If I paste it to TextEdit I get the binary data starting with PNG instead of the image itself. It looks as if the ClipboardExtendedPlugin is not loaded. The plugin seems to be in the current VM source (src/pugins/ClipboardExtendedPlugin), though. I am on macOS Big Sur 11.6.1.
> Should this work? I tried on Squeak 3.4, 4.6 and 5.3 but the ExtendedClipboardInterface is not loaded in these images.
> Cheers,
> Bernhard

best, Eliot