Hi Christophe,

    I can't see any image in  your mail.  Can you repost?  I'm attaching the source of the menu.  What kinds of customization would you like to see?  hat changes to the menu would you like to see?  One of the issues would be that it may not be possible to resign the executable if the app's Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib is modified. So it is preferable to get the menu right in the base build.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 6:40 AM Christophe Demarey <christophe.demarey@inria.fr> wrote:

Would it be possible to ship OpenSmalltalk vm with a customizable menu?
For example, OpenSmalltalk VM for Pharo looks like this picture:

It is very strange for users. Would it be possible to have a way to customize menu entries? I think this part is encoded in MainMenu.nib.
It will also be useful to package end-user applications by allowing developers to customize the application menu.


best, Eliot