I'm amazed to not find the IMPORT/EXPORT directives in sqVirtualMachine.h

IMO, the right solution is already sketched in minheadless:

$ grep -r VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT platforms/
platforms/minheadless/windows/sqPlatformSpecific-Win32.h:#    undef VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT
platforms/minheadless/windows/sqPlatformSpecific-Win32.h:#    define VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT(returnType) __declspec( dllexport ) returnType
platforms/minheadless/windows/sqPlatformSpecific-Win32.h:#    undef VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT
platforms/minheadless/windows/sqPlatformSpecific-Win32.h:#    define VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT(returnType) __declspec( dllimport ) returnType

The relevant section is:

#  if defined(BUILD_VM_CORE) && !defined(VM_CORE_STATIC)
#    define VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT(returnType) __declspec( dllexport ) returnType
#  else
#    define VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT(returnType) __declspec( dllimport ) returnType
#  endif

then we would just have to declare VM_FUNCTION_EXPORT(some_return_type) some_foo_func( some_arg_type ); in sqVirtualMachine.h.
then at compile time, we just use -DBUILD_VM_CORE for compiling the VM, but omit it for compiling external plugins.
Or maybe we can just use #if !defined(SQUEAK_BUILTIN_PLUGIN) in the platform specific file, instead of if defined(BUILD_VM_CORE) && !defined(VM_CORE_STATIC)

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