On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua@gmail.com> wrote:

On 24 May 2011 16:58, Javier Burroni <javier.burroni@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> It's great you have implemented Ephemerons. I'll take a look to the code asap.
> I've sent the following mail to the VSWE-L list like a month ago. It
> may (or may not) be useful for you
> saludos
> jb
The mail you posted is hard to follow for me, because
i don't really understand what 'rescued ephemeron' means.
Is it the one who initially seen without its key being marked, but
then after full graph traversal
has it key marked?

The ephemerons extension to GC are quite simple (it explains why it
took me 1 day to get initial implementation working).

The only implication of ephemerons,
that you need to fulfill is that you mark all reachable objects before
analyzing ephemerons queue.
And during analysis you have to make sure that again, you are marking
all reachable objects
discovered through ephemerons, whose keys are marked.
If you obey the above rules, then there's not much to fear about. It
will just work :)

I think there are two implications, and the second one is non-obvious because the original implementor of ephemerons in VW, who was a GC expert, got this wrong.  The first implication is indeed that you mark all reachable objects before analysing ephemerons with unmarked/unreachable keys (ephemerons with marked/reachable keys can and should be processed just like ordinary objects).  The second implication is that the tracing of ephemerons with unreachable keys continues until a fixed-point is reached where no new ephemerons have been added to the ephemeron queue.  i.e. when tracing ephemerons with unreachable keys one may reach new ephemerons which themselves may have either marked/reachable or unmarked/unreachable keys.  This is really important and a tad tricky.


Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.