Hi folks. I am using the lsat free bit of the Squeak Object header to do some experiments. What I need to do now is to be able to set such bit for the CompiledMethod objects, when those selectors are sent.

Suppose that from the image side I do "Date today yyyymmdd"  then I want to set that bit in the object header of the CompiledMethod Date>> #today and CompiledMethod Date>> #yyyymmdd

Now....I check in the VM and I am not sure where I should do that. I already have my own primitive so that I can do something like this:

((self isIntegerObject: rcvr) not and: [hasToTrace])
        ifTrue: [
            self internalTurnOnUsedBit: rcvr.

Now...where I can intercept this in the VM? I found Interpreter >> internalExecuteNewMethod

is it there? should I access to "newMethod" and do something like this:

rcvr := "somehow I access to Interpreter newMethod"
((self isIntegerObject: rcvr) not and: [hasToTrace])
        ifTrue: [
            self internalTurnOnUsedBit: rcvr.

thanks for any help
