Hi Levente,

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:

On Tue, 17 May 2011, Igor Stasenko wrote:

On 17 May 2011 13:50, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:

On Tue, 17 May 2011, Igor Stasenko wrote:

On 16 May 2011 20:21, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:

On Mon, 16 May 2011, squeak-dev-noreply@lists.squeakfoundation.org wrote:

Igor Stasenko uploaded a new version of CMakeVMMaker to project VM

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CMakeVMMaker-StasenkoIgor.104
Author: StasenkoIgor
Time: 16 May 2011, 10:33:56 am
UUID: 68959e6f-18b1-304c-a3de-2b84a1f2c93b
Ancestors: CMakeVMMaker-IgorStasenko.103

workaround the MultiByteCrapStream, which converting line endings twice

It's not crap, just broken.

Well, i don't know better wording for seeing the mess in this
implementation. It contains too much bells and whistles and therefore
its very easy to break it.

Tests can greatly decrease the chance of breaking it.

yes, i submitted a test yesterday.

it written in a way to reproduce an issue when running on any system
(not just Windows).

I also have some tests which cover more cases.

I don't understand why it patching the UTF8Converter and turns it into
line-ending converter..
as to me, UTF8Converter have nothing to do with line ends, and such
abuse of text converters should be strictly prohibited.

The reason is performance, and the implementation is transparent. It also
simplifies MultiByteFileStream.

what about clarity? The problem is that this code is so optimized that
it is no longer transparent. It is opaque for my eyes.
I cannot fix it, because it looks very brittle and it is hard to get
what it does, with all those branches, ifNotNils etc etc in almost
every method there.

MultiByteFileStream is not clean yet, but it will be.

And i cannot be sure if my fix won't break something else, because
there is no clear separation of concerns:

- use UTF8Converter for utf8 conversion and NOTHING else.
- and let stream to filter input and replace cr character(s) to
whatever it wants them to be

And what about simplification?

Do you think this is how a _simple_ method should look like?

nextPut: aCharacter
       aCharacter isInteger
               ifTrue: [ ^ super nextPut: aCharacter ].
       (wantsLineEndConversion == true and: [ lineEndConvention notNil ])
"#doConversion is inlined here"
                ifTrue: [
                       aCharacter = Cr
                               ifTrue: [ converter nextPutAll: (LineEndStrings at:
lineEndConvention) toStream: self ]
                               ifFalse: [ converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self ].
                       ^aCharacter ].
       ^ self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self

4 branches.. while i, by following your premise, would expect a single
line here:

nextPut: aCharacter
 ^ converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self

because if you decided to delegate line ends conversion to converter
(for whatever reason) , then you don't have to do anything outside of

Exactly. What I also have in my mind is to remove the #isBinary checks from the TextConverters and put them back to MultiByteFileStream, where they belong to IMHO.

I'll integrate the fix for it into Squeak soon.
If you're impatient you can fix it yourself, or use something else.

Well, i can't use something else, because its VMMaker which using
CrLfFileStream for producing source files output.
Maybe it worth to just use FileStream in binary mode and deal with
line ends internally, to not leave chance for
clever text streams to interfere.

CrLfFileStream is not used, since Squeak 3.x. References to it should be
rewritten to use FileStream instead. Using binary mode to work around a bug
is bad idea, fixing the bug is the way to go.

But why you stating false statements? CrLfFileStream is used, at least
by VMMaker.
And i was never took a deep look on a file streams to clearly say if
it still used or can be removed.

It's not a false statement, print it: CrLfFileStream new. In Squeak CrLfFileStream is deprecated and if I'm not mistaken the same is true in Pharo.

I'm just trying to eliminate the explicit references to CrLfFileStream in the Cog VMMaker, but I've hit a snag.  e.g. there's this idiom:

InterpreterPlugin class methods for translation
storeString: s onFileNamed: fileName
"Store the given string in a file of the given name."

| f |
f := CrLfFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
f nextPutAll: s.
f close.

that I'd like to replace with

VMMaker class methods for utilities
"Always output files in unix lf format.
A single format is friendlier to e.g. external version control systems.
The Microsoft and old MacOS classic C compilers all accept lf format files."

^MultiByteFileStream new
lineEndConvention: #lf;

InterpreterPlugin class methods for translation
storeString: s onFileNamed: fileName
"Store the given string in a file of the given name."

| f |
f := VMMaker newFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
f nextPutAll: s.
f close.

but only class-side methods understand forceNewFileNamed:, and hence one would have to write

InterpreterPlugin class methods for translation
storeString: s onFileNamed: fileName
"Store the given string in a file of the given name."

| f |
f := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileName.
f lineEndConvention: #lf.
f nextPutAll: s.
f close

which is a tad tedious and distributed.  I could have a set of convenience methods in VMMaker class, forceNewFileStream: oldFileStream etc.  There could be subclasses of MultiByteFileStream purely for instance creation (MultiByteLfFileStream et al).  Or...?  Any thoughts?


So, can you clarify, can we deprecate and then completely remove
CrLfFileStream from image
and fix all references to it with FileStream instead?
Because i like putting useless cra.. (err stuff) into trash bin.

See above.


But then again, it means time, which i haven't because i was focused
on completely different problem.

I'll upload my fix to Squeak Trunk this week. Applying the changes to Pharo
probably won't work out of the box, because IIRC some issues were solved
differently in the past.

i'm not sure.


Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.