2015-04-16 20:43 GMT+02:00 Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de>:

On 16.04.2015, at 11:33, Nicolai Hess <nicolaihess@web.de> wrote:

(Firefox on Windows 7)

Does copy and paste work for other systems / browser?

Ah, Chrome works best so far. Sorry. Patches welcome ;^)

Yes, that works much better.

More strange squeakjs results (repeats for times) :

|form canvas fill direction normal|
direction := 200@0.
normal := 0@1.
form := Form extent:600@600 depth:32.
canvas := form getCanvas.
fill := GradientFillStyle new colorRamp:{0 -> Color white . 0.5 -> Color green . 1 -> Color blue};origin:300@300;direction:direction;normal:normal;radial:true;yourself.
canvas fillRectangle: (0@0 extent:600@600) fillStyle: fill.
Display getCanvas drawImage: form at: 300@300.

And If I swap direction and normal
direction := 1@0.
normal := 0@200.

squeakjs does not
response anymore !





> How would JS react on a wrong array access? Throwing an exception?

No. It's just a no-op.

- Bert -

- Bert -