On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 1:00 AM tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

> On 17-08-2016, at 3:34 PM, Fabio Niephaus <lists@fniephaus.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 12:17 AM tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:
> A persistent problem with the PI vm is that users of xrdp need to wrap the start-up in ‘sudo -E’ because.. well, never mind, unix is just plain stupid. Whatever the issue, we can test for the problem of needing to use sudo by running a trivial test program in the shell script; all it does is try changing a thread priority and returns whether it worked or not.
> Just to make sure: it is not enough to create a squeak.conf as describe at [1] and reboot?

Unfortunately that doesn’t work when using xrdp for your remote display. It’s not even a strictly squeak issue - some googling will reveal a depressingly long list of problems to do with the same error. The Raspbian kernel; has no problems at all with squeak when using a direct display. It doesn’t have this particular problem with vnc - but it *does* have a fatal problem with trying to use the composition input window calls. Again, not a specifically squeak, raspbian nor ARM issue but a generic bit of nastiness in linux.

> Could you please give [2] a try on a raspi? Feedback is more than welcome as we are about to release Squeak 5.1 very soon.

As long as it’s made from the very latest source Eliot put out today it will be ok. *Except* I note that the HostWindowPlugin is missing from the plugins/int file in build.linuxARMv6/squeak.cog.spur and in fact after a quick look it is missing form all the linux related build directories that I checked. Whilst the plugin is not complete it does provide support for title and size aspects and so I’d recommend including it.

5.1 will be the basis of the next Pi Scratch release so I have several millions of reasons to help getting it right...

Shall we just open the vm with `sudo -E` on ARM platforms in the 5.1 release? This seems to be a reasonable solution for now. Usually, a user will be prompted to enter a password and we can explain why. Once we figure out a better solution, we can iterate :)

BTW: There's going to be an ARM-only bundle for the Squeak 5.1 release as well.


tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Don't sweat petty things....or pet sweaty things.