It's me again,
here is my 2nd problem:

I've got an ArbitraryPrecisionFloatTest failing with latest VMMaker.oscog changes (testErf).
This test was green previously - for example when I recompile VM source from SVN head revision - eliot 3651 which is also VMMaker.oscog-eem.1740

So it's most probably related to my recent refactorings on LargeIntegers.
Of course, Number tests pass, so I don't have a real unit test failing, more a kind of integration test because ArbitraryPrecisionFloat is shaking the integer arithmetic really hard.

The same changes are already on interpreter vm since july 2014...
So that's another flavour to test.

And of course, the same kind of changes, but not exactly the same changes are in my own VM branch which I used to develop ArbitraryPrecisionFloat.

I'm puzzled because I changed very few.
Right now my commit right is turning into a kind of hell :(
But I want to let you know there might be a problem with latest VMMaker
