I am on slackware and have the same issue. If I su to root and run squeak, it goes away.

Ubuntu dont root, but it do su, so try su squeak.sh

---- On Tue, 28 Sep 2021 18:12:29 -0400 tim@rowledge.org wrote ----

This reminds me to ask (probably again) if anyone actually understands ubuntu and getting the rtprio settings to 'take'.

I have the suggested /etc/security/limits.d/squeak.conf etc but it appears to be ignored - at least the VM complains about it. Since `ulimit -a` tells me that rtprio is 0, I suspect it is correct to complain. I've spent way too long trying to make sense of what I find with googling. This has been going on for ages (so, yes, the machine has been rebooted) and every now and then I try to make some sense of it.

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Useful random insult:- His shared libraries aren't installed.