Hi David,

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 7:58 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 01:45:17PM +0100, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> How about making SmallIntegers be 53 bits? Could the VM be as efficient if it masked off more bits?

I would expect no difference in VM performance for values within the 53 bit
range. There is no additional masking required, and there would not be any
need to change the internal storage format. It's really just a matter of what
point you choose to begin using large integer objects rather than immediates.

> IMHO the additional 8 bits we get by going to 61 bits will not significantly enhance performance. In fact, the payoff is probably rather small beyond 32 bits (but still useful e.g. for bit shifts beyond the 32 bit boundary).

I have a hard time thinking of real world cases where the extra range would
have a meaningful impact. The only thing I can think of is my UTCDateAndTime
implementation (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6197), which is using large
integers to represent microseconds since the Posix epoch. In 64 bit Spur, if
immediate integers were to have a range of 52 bits, then these DateAndTime
values would be using immediates for dates in the range of year 1827 through
year 2112. For most practical uses within my own expected life span, this
is a useful range of values.

So even for this use case (which affects almost nobody, at least not now) the
reduction in range of immediate integers has little or no performance impact.
Furthermore, I would note that the UTCDateAndTime implementation that uses
large integers (not immediate short integers) in the current 32 bit images is
already faster than the Squeak trunk DateAndTime implementation. So I have a
hard time believing that extending the range of immediate short integers
beyond 52 bits of precision would have any meaningful real world impact.

> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:59:07PM -0800, Eliot Miranda wrote:
> On Dec 29, 2014, at 4:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> >
> > IMHO the additional 8 bits we get by going to 61 bits will not significantly enhance performance. I
n fact, the payoff is probably rather small beyond 32 bits (but still useful e.g. for bit shifts beyond
 the 32 bit boundary).

> >
> > The question is why only some operations should fail if the SmallInt has more than 53 bits, or if w
e should consistently switch to LargeInts above that. OTOH wasting 8 bits in every SmallInt oop may not
 be a good tradeoff.
> Doesn't feel right for me.  All we're considering is a few floating-point primitives which need an ad
ditional failure case.  Whereas truncating 64-bit SmallInteger has its own negative effects (microsecon
d clock range, many more large integers created, eg when dealing with addresses, temptation to find use
s for missing bits, such as another ~2^11 tag patterns).  Good to mention an alternative but feels wron
g to me.

I'm inclined to agree with Eliot on this, even though I do not think that
performance would be an issue one way or the other. It seems to me that
having the implementation details of floating point objects creeping into
the implementation of integers is not a good thing in principle, even though
in practice it would be fine.

Bert's suggestion is a simple and practical short term solution. It has no
practical performance impact, and it is trivial to implement. The only serious
negative is that it would require a good method comment to explain the rationale
for the short integer range limitation.

However, with a bit of additional work, the range checks can be added to the
floating point primitives. This seems better, because it puts the responsibility
with the floating point logic, which is where it belongs.

The work is very small.  As far as I can tell it is merely the change of

Spur64BitMemoryManager methods for interpreter access
loadFloatOrIntFrom: floatOrIntOop
"If floatOrInt is an integer, then convert it to a C double float and return it.
If it is a Float, then load its value and return it.
Otherwise fail -- ie return with primErrorCode non-zero."

<inline: true>
<returnTypeC: #double>
| result tagBits |
<var: #result type: #double>

(tagBits := floatOrIntOop bitAnd: self tagMask) ~= 0
[tagBits = self smallFloatTag ifTrue:
[^self smallFloatValueOf: floatOrIntOop].
tagBits = self smallIntegerTag ifTrue:
[^(self integerValueOf: floatOrIntOop) asFloat]]
[(self classIndexOf: floatOrIntOop) = ClassFloatCompactIndex ifTrue:
[self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [result := Float new: 2].
self fetchFloatAt: floatOrIntOop + self baseHeaderSize into: result.
coInterpreter primitiveFail.

loadFloatOrIntFrom: floatOrIntOop
"If floatOrInt is an integer, then convert it to a C double float and return it.
If it is a Float, then load its value and return it.
Otherwise fail -- ie return with primErrorCode non-zero."

<inline: true>
<returnTypeC: #double>
| result tagBits shift |
<var: #result type: #double>

(tagBits := floatOrIntOop bitAnd: self tagMask) ~= 0
[tagBits = self smallFloatTag ifTrue:
[^self smallFloatValueOf: floatOrIntOop].
(tagBits = self smallIntegerTag
 and: [shift := 64 - self numTagBits - self smallFloatMantissaBits.
(self cCode: [floatOrIntOop << shift]
inSmalltalk: [floatOrIntOop << shift bitAnd: 1 << 64 - 1]) >> shift = floatOrIntOop]) ifTrue:
[^(self integerValueOf: floatOrIntOop) asFloat]]
[(self classIndexOf: floatOrIntOop) = ClassFloatCompactIndex ifTrue:
[self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [result := Float new: 2].
self fetchFloatAt: floatOrIntOop + self baseHeaderSize into: result.
coInterpreter primitiveFail.

 tagBits = self smallIntegerTag ifTrue:
[^(self integerValueOf: floatOrIntOop) asFloat]


 (tagBits = self smallIntegerTag
  and: [shift := 64 - self numTagBits - self smallFloatMantissaBits.
(self cCode: [floatOrIntOop << shift]
inSmalltalk: [floatOrIntOop << shift bitAnd: 1 << 64 - 1]) >> shift = floatOrIntOop]) ifTrue:
[^(self integerValueOf: floatOrIntOop) asFloat]

My remaining concern would be that handling the logic in the VM (floating point
primitives) is less flexible than handling it in the image. I am not really
convinced that the immediate float format in Spur 64 will prove to be of
practical value, so I think that maintaining some flexibility around the
implmentation might be a good thing.

Based on the experience with 64-bit VisualWorks I can assure you it has an impact.  Floating point arithmetic will be considerably faster (2 to 3x) and allocations will go way down.  

So my $0.02:

Do it in careful steps. Release 1 of Spur 64 could have immediate short integers
in the same range as the 32-bit image. Release 2 could follow Bert's guidance.
Release 3 could fix up the various float primitives and extend the range to 61 bits.

I'm not going to go this way.  I'm going to stick with 61-bit SmallIntegers and SmallFloat64s.  We have a comprehensive test suite and this is core behaviour.  t's very easy to find issues in this area so, given that the code has been written and is working, there's no case for backing out.  There's really nothing to be gained by being conservative here.  Nicolas' concern has been addressed and tests can be written to check.  We can have our cake and eat it to.

Happy New Year!

