Yeah, it's pretty attractive, and I must use it at college :p

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Nicolas Cellier <> wrote:

2009/10/19 Patricio Palladino <>:
> Thank you very much ! It works =)
> I admit that was considering to install windows just to run squeak :$ haha

That would have meant Squeak is really attractive !


> Greets
> Patricio
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:
>> On 15.10.2009, at 01:52, Patricio Palladino wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!, I'm trying to compile squeak under 64bit linux (archlinux) and get some errors. Can anybody help me please?
>>> I'm using this files and
>> These are the wrong files. The regular VM compiles fine on 64 bits:
>> "squeak64" is the experimental 64 bit *image* support, which is incompatible with all the Squeak images:
>> Ian, can we change the squeak64 page again? The FAQ link is too subtle apparently.
>> E.g. change title to "Squeak 64-bit image support (experimental)" and add a warning on the top a la "<b>WARNING</b> If you merely want to compile a Squeak VM for a 64 bit machine, you are on the <b>wrong</b> page! Please use the <a href="/unix">regular VM</a> instead, which was made 64 bit clean in the mean time. Try the FAQ ..."
>> - Bert -