Hi both,

2017-04-01 19:20 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <estebanlm@gmail.com>:
yes, I had the problem and I already fixed it in our branch (it will be merged soon, as soon as I fix a problem on cairo + freetype on windows).

why wait?
atomic commits are welcome!

What is the problem of cairo + freetype?
Are opensmalltalk windows vm functional or is there a problem? I did not get any feedback so far...

thing is: 2.0.5 still produces a library named "libSDL2-2.0.so.0.4.1” (not 0.5.0 as it would be expected). 

so, changing that libsdl2.spec will do it. 

Ah yes, sorry about that.
I thought that linux pharo vm was built on opensmalltalk travis job and all was OK.
Apparently, it isn't the case, working without feedback is not possible nowadays.
What is preventing us to also buid them?


On 1 Apr 2017, at 19:14, Ben Coman <btc@openInWorld.com> wrote:

I guess its working for the pharo-vm CI, 
but personally I'm having trouble building opensmalltalk-vm 
since the upgrade to SDL 2.0.5. I left a comment on the commit...

Can anyone confirm this, or is it just me?

cheers -ben