I see that clement.

On 18 Mar 2015, at 21:18, Clément Béra <bera.clement@gmail.com> wrote:

Well, based on what other people said, I think this is:

| f |
f := Float new.
f at: 2 put: 1.
WordArray adoptInstance: f.
f first = 1 ifTrue: [#little] ifFalse: [#big]

Thanks for your answers.

2015-03-18 21:08 GMT+01:00 stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse@gmail.com>:

Do you have a magic invocation that would not involved graphic objects?
What would be cool is to have vm parameter or something like that. We want to reduce the dependencies in the core. 

At least it doesn't use BitBlt.  Its got much less dependencies than the existing code and is much simpler.  Isn't that worth something?

No need to use Bitmap if that’s a real problem - make a trivial class that is ArrayedCollection variableWordSubclass:#EndianTestThing and use that.

By construction if I asked this is that I did not know.


tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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