I changed the compiler flag -Wno-unused-value to -Wunused-value because there's no reason to carry dead code. Dead code should ring a bell.
it seems it uncovers a problem in code generation.
An example is in code generated for sendInvokeCallbackContext:

       if ((argumentCountOfMethodHeader(methodHeaderOf(GIV(newMethod)))) == 4) {
                /* begin push: */
                value = ((usqInt)((vmCallbackContext->thunkp)));
                /* begin positive32BitIntegerFor: */
                /* begin maybeInlinePositive32BitIntegerFor: */
                if ((((unsigned int) value)) <= (MaxSmallInteger)) {
                        ((value << 1) | 1);
                       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROBLEM HERE: this result should be stored in variable 'object'
                        goto l4;
                /* begin eeInstantiateSmallClassIndex:format:numSlots: */
                object = newLargeInteger;
        l4:     /* end maybeInlinePositive32BitIntegerFor: */;
                goto l5;

        l5:     /* end positive32BitIntegerFor: */;

                longAtput((sp = GIV(stackPointer) - BytesPerWord), object);
The corresponding Slang code is:

    (self argumentCountOf: newMethod) = 4 ifTrue:
        [self push: (self positiveMachineIntegerFor: vmCallbackContext thunkp asUnsignedInteger).

With push:

    | sp |
    <inline: true>
    <var: #sp type: #'char *'>
    stackPages longAt: (sp := stackPointer - objectMemory wordSize) put: object.
    stackPointer := sp

With positiveMachineIntegerFor:

    <var: #value type: #'unsigned long'>
    <inline: true>
    ^objectMemory wordSize = 8
        ifTrue: [self positive64BitIntegerFor: value]
        ifFalse: [self positive32BitIntegerFor: value]

With positive32BitIntegerFor:

    <inline: true>
    <var: 'integerValue' type: #'unsigned int'>
    objectMemory hasSixtyFourBitImmediates
            [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: (integerValue asUnsignedLong bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF)]
            [^self maybeInlinePositive32BitIntegerFor: integerValue]

With maybeInlinePositive32BitIntegerFor:

    <notOption: #Spur64BitMemoryManager>
    <var: 'integerValue' type: #'unsigned int'>
    | newLargeInteger |
    self deny: objectMemory hasSixtyFourBitImmediates.
       "force coercion because slang inliner sometimes incorrectly pass a signed int without converting to unsigned"
       (self cCode: [self cCoerceSimple: integerValue to: #'unsigned int']
            inSmalltalk: [integerValue bitAnd: 1 << 32 - 1]) <= objectMemory maxSmallInteger ifTrue:
        [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: integerValue].
    newLargeInteger := objectMemory