Hi everyone,

I just tried building build.win64x64/squeak.cog.spur on the Cog branch but got a segfault on startup. I then tentatively went back 10 commits (HEAD~10) and it worked again. This is the output I received in gdb:

Thread 1 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000004016f3 in interpret () at ../../spur64src/vm/gcc3x-cointerp.c:2809
2809                    memset(theStackMemory, 0, stackPagesBytes);
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000004016f3 in interpret () at ../../spur64src/vm/gcc3x-cointerp.c:2809
#1  0x000000000052c34c in sqMain (argc=2, argv=0x1dd53a0) at ../../platforms/win32/vm/sqWin32Main.c:1709
#2  0x000000000052c7f2 in WinMain (hInst=0x400000, hPrevInstance=0x0, lpCmdLine=0xfc437c "../../../Squeak6.0alpha-19582-64bit-202003021730-Windows/Squeak6.0alpha-19582-64bit.image", nCmdShow=10) at ../../platforms/win32/vm/sqWin32Main.c:1802
#3  0x00000000004013c7 in __tmainCRTStartup () at /usr/src/debug/mingw64-x86_64-runtime-7.0.0-1/crt/crtexe.c:339
#4  0x00000000004014cb in WinMainCRTStartup () at /usr/src/debug/mingw64-x86_64-runtime-7.0.0-1/crt/crtexe.c:195

The main reason I'm writing, however, is that I only haven't done a bisect yet because building the VM appears unusually slow, when compared to building on Linux, as in, orders of magnitude slower. I believe I have the same setup as we do on appveyor on windows using cygwin64. Incremental builds seem to recompile a lot of files and it appears there are race conditions when building with multiple threads (-j8). Are these known limitations of the Windows build or am I potentially just having the wrong setup?

Thank you for any pointers!