Hi Bernhard --

Download the latest Trunk: http://files.squeak.org/trunk/

Then run these lines via drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste or as a start-up script in Squeak:

It's Smalltalk code. No need to pass it in via the command line.


Am 19.02.2022 13:52:59 schrieb Bernhard Pieber <bernhard@pieber.com>:

Hi All,

I got one step further by building my own VM and supplying it with the -vm argument. Now a Squeak image opens with the error message "Error: No content to install“.

If I debug I see that Smalltalk documentPath is '--' and hence the CodeLoader tries to loadSourceFiles: with the scriptName 'file:///Users/bernhard/Entwicklung/Squeak/opensmalltalk-vm/image/—‚ which seems wrong.

Any ideas how to build a VM Maker image are welcome.


Am 19.02.2022 um 09:13 schrieb Bernhard Pieber <bernhard@pieber.com>:

Hi All,

I wanted to build myself a VM Maker image. IIUC, image/buildspurtrunkvmmaker64image.sh is the way to go. Here is what I get:

bernhard@MacBookPro16 image % ./buildspurtrunkvmmaker64image.sh 
checking for latest 64-bit VM on bintray...
If you've built your own VM you can substitute that using the -vm myvm argument to this script.

I guess the getGoodSpurVM.sh and getGoodSpur64VM.sh need to be updated to fetch the VMs from https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/releases.
