'From Squeak3.11alpha of 15 May 2011 [latest update: #11424] on 21 May 2011 at 10:17:07 am'! StandardFileStream subclass: #CCodeFileStream instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'VMMaker-Translation to C'! !CCodeFileStream commentStamp: 'dtl 5/20/2011 22:59' prior: 0! A CCodeFileStream reimplements #cr to emit a line feed character. This is intended for generating C source files for use on any platform. All C compilers accept line feed as a line terminator, and the use of a common line terminator convention for storage of C source modules is helpful for consistent version control of C source files. ! !CCodeFileStream methodsFor: 'character writing' stamp: 'dtl 5/19/2011 08:00'! cr "Assuming the sender means this as a line terminator, convert to line feed for use by a C compiler on any platform." self lf! !