Awesome! Thanks :)

- Bert -

On 08.07.2010, at 03:49, John M McIntosh wrote:

Morning all, I've pushed a number of changes into the iOS platform tree to enable you to build a Macintosh Cocoa V5 Cog VM. Well at least one that runs a few million byte codes before crashing.  This also requires changes to the Cog branch, but that's part of the re-integration process. 

I have also built it as a Stack VM for the iPhone, that runs many more million bytecodes before tossing walkbacks on an unaltered image.   Just a bit of image tinkering I think is needed there, plus a change to let complex events flow up out of the VM into the image, but again part of the re-integration process.

On 2010-06-20, at 1:11 PM, Eliot Miranda wrote:

Hi All,

it gives me great pleasure to announce that the Teleplace Cog VMs are now available. ...
Eliot Miranda
June 2010

John M. McIntosh <>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.