Um, I'm _quite_ serious on insisting that Smalltalk wordSize be implemented in some way that caches the value in e.g. a class variable (or class inst var for max speed) that is reevaluated on startup.  initialPC is evaluated a lot, e.g. once for every method in a "browse inst var refs".  This is performance-critical, and going to a slow primitive to access something that can only change at startup is not a good idea.  Please arrange that e.g. SystemDictionary gains a class var that caches the word size.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:48 AM, John M McIntosh <> wrote:

RIght and it's 12:30 am again,

So the MAGIC fixes for the tracer to let you build a 64bit Pharo image are below.
No doubt they apply to closure based squeak trunk images.

Could someone can be kind enough to integrate them into the current System-Tracing.2forPharo.cs ?
Then some people in Europe? can grab the current Pharo/Trunk image and convert it, and run some smoke tests.
BTW you need to use the Squeak.5.0.0.b9.64* to run a 64bit image

Don't forget to convert you have to use a powerpc, or a  squeak VM that is running as powerpc (via get info settings) on your macintel machine.
Still need someone to *fix* the systemtracer so it will run on intel machines.  (Hint watch how it writes out integer data). ...

Changes below:

"This is the magic change, it's not the conversion of the image that is bad. It's the Smalltalk code assumption of is that 4 or 8 bytes? "
"There likely should be a Pharo/Squeak bug for this since it should be using wordSize not a magic number of 4"

Eliot notes  "Bravo!  But Smalltalk wordSize has to be implemented in some way that caches the value in e.g. a class variable (or class inst var for max speed) that is reevaluated on startup."

So I'll let someone propose/write a clever solution since the Smalltalk wordSize is computational heavy.

       "Answer the program counter for the receiver's first bytecode."

       ^ (self numLiterals + 1) * (Smalltalk wordSize) + 1

"This next method  isn't used much, should be. But the System-Tracing.2forPharo.cs trashes it with a ancient version.
This is the correct version"

 "Answer the size (in bytes) of an object pointer."
 "Smalltalk wordSize"
 ^[SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 40] on: Error do: [4]

"Changes to properly fix up BlockClosure in the SystemTracer2"

SystemTracer2>>object: object allFieldsWithIndex: block collect: sequenceableCollectionClass
       "Evaluate block against each of the pointer fields with index, and collect the results in an instance of sequenceableCollectionClass"

       | fixedSize results varSize nilResults blockvalue |
       object isCompiledMethod ifTrue:
               [results := sequenceableCollectionClass new: 1 + object numLiterals.
               1 to: 1 + object numLiterals do:
                       [:j | results at: j put: (block value: (object objectAt: j) value: j)].
               ^ results].

       fixedSize := object class instSize.
       varSize := object basicSize.
       results := sequenceableCollectionClass new: fixedSize + varSize.
       1 to: fixedSize do:
               [:j | results at: j put: (block value: (object instVarAt: j) value: j)].
       1 to: varSize do:
               [:j |
               results at: fixedSize + j put: (block value: (object basicAt: j) value: fixedSize + j)].

       object isContextPart ifTrue:
               [(object instVarAt: 2) ifNotNil:
                       ["May need to adjust PC and startPC if changing wordSize..."
                       blockvalue := (object instVarAt: 2)+(self pcDeltaForMethod: object method).
               results at: 2 put: (block value: blockvalue value: 2)].
               ((object isMemberOf: BlockContext) and: [object home notNil]) ifTrue:
                               [results at: 5 put: (block value: (object instVarAt: 5)+(self pcDeltaForMethod: object method) value: 5)].
               "Need to fill out the nils beyond the knowable end of stack"
               nilResults := sequenceableCollectionClass new: object frameSize - object basicSize.
               1 to: nilResults size do:
                       [:j | nilResults at: j put: (block value: nil value: j)].
               ^ results , nilResults].
       object class = BlockClosure ifTrue:
               ["May need to adjust PC and startPC if changing wordSize..."
               blockvalue := (object instVarAt: 2)+(self pcDeltaForMethod: object method).
               results at: 2 put: (block value: blockvalue value: 2)].
               ^ results

>> Eliot and I spent 30 minutes chatting about what is wrong. The conclusion is we *think* we are doing the right thing,
>> yet the Virtual Machine says the image is busted.   So a quick fix is not apparent, and we'll dig more.

John M. McIntosh <>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.