Hi Clément,

On 5/2/20 2:47 PM, Clément Béra wrote:

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 8:06 PM Robert <robert.withers@pm.me> wrote:

On 5/1/20 2:59 PM, Clément Béra wrote:
The Hydra VM from Igor was doing exactly that.
Stellar! Could we reintegrate with the latest squeak.cog.spur?

Hydra was a fork of the pre-stack VM. I don't know where is the code. Igor may be able to answer. Ask him.

Do you have Igor's email? I will ask.

As Tim said, it's not clear there is a high benefit from running many image on 1 VM vs multiple images, each on their VM. One advantage could be the speed of communication between the images. However, it's possible to have a byte array on a Posix Shared Memory section (Pavel had made some FFI bindings to do that) that is shared between multiple images. I'm sure with a clever design one could share more than just a byte array. With a shared memory section and external semaphores, it's not clear there are good use-cases that would require multiple images on 1 VM.
I see your and Tim's point here. When asked I have always reported that the way to take advantage of multiple cores is to run multiple images on their own VM. The realm of actor mobility I have not worked on.

Actor Mobility: I think it works just like a eukaryotic cell. with proteins produced through the ribosome and ER, then packaged for delivery with a network motif, and sent through the Golgi Apparatus to be delivered then unpackaged. Normally an Actor is not passByCopy, but a remoteERef is sent abroad. To convert a passByReference object into a passByCopy, serialize it into bytes and wrap it in a package, which is passByCopy. Send it forth, unpackaged remotely, it becomes a passByReference Actor again. Use this to communicate between VM/image/Vat/eventLoop.

The Actor model in Newspeak is also somewhat similar to that, though part of the image is shared between threads.

I believe the Newspeak Actors are implemented with local capabilities, from ELib, just as my CapabilitiesLocal package. DoIt:

Installer ss project: 'Cryptography'; install: 'CapabilitiesLocal'.

works. Both implement a ELib Promise system with async resolution and resolved promise reactor invocation.

Would you be able to say a few words about their use of shared memory, please? As well, what could you mention about their use of promises, regarding Ease of use, understandable code, tips & tricks with promises?

I think Ryan could answer in a better way.

Did you mean to copy Ryan? I would definitely like to hear of NewSpeak in this regard.

My understand is that NewSpeak have value objects, which are immutable, and such objects can be shared between actors, including classes, methods and so on. 
Not sure about promise. Ryan, can you answer?

Value objects are immutable, thus sharable. Hmmm. Thinks about that.

K, r

K, r

Not sure what is the status of these projects though.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 8:43 PM Robert <robert.withers@pm.me> wrote:
I have not read about this anywhere I can remember. Would it be possible to run two images on one VM?


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