Hi Petr,

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 7:26 AM, Petr Fischer <petr.fischer@me.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> > Hello, is there any short tutorial somewhere, how to build spur cog on OpenBSD?
> >
> > Is it possible with llvm/clang? Or is gcc required? What is the best gcc version for comiling vm? 4, 5, 6?
> > In mvm build scripts, there is gcc hardcoded :(
> you don't have to use mvm. In my FreeBSD10.3 jail "gcc" (4.2.1) was used to compile the VM. When configuring/building just make sure -lexecinfo (in FreeBSD10) and -liconv (port) is in LIBS

And what about all Pharo plugins - ssl, git, X+SDL/display, ft2 - everything is compiled and linked correctly as dynamic libraries?

> > I have constant troubles with compiling pharo-vm/oscog on FreeBSD, I need to edit mvm scripts a little, there is linking problems, just overwhelmed...
> What do you need and what do you want to run on FreeBSD?

I have some production servers on FreeBSD (baremetal or VPS), using ZFS intensively, also I am deploying sub-app-services separated in jails and sometimes I am virtualizing CentOS instances with bhyve. Everything is easy, compact, robust and secure - straightforward, pleasure to use as a server core for my services. I migrated out of Linux world, a dot (no flame).

I also created one web app (so far) for customer with Pharo+Seaside+REST+nginx recently (pleasure to develop in Pharo and future is bright!). I am running it with linux compatibility layer on FreeBSD (even 64bits) now and it works (as root, no way in jails for now), but this is insecure and not ideal, native (and jailed) will be just perfect.

I also plan to develop more apps (web apps, "agendas", maybe some backends with REST etc etc) for potential customers and I just need to fine tune this killer combo (BSD+Smalltalk).

That sounds great.  May I suggest you add build.freebsd32x86 and build.freebsd64x64 along with suitable HowToBuilds?

best, Eliot