On 31.01.2014, at 18:05, gettimothy <gettimothy@zoho.com> wrote:

Use regular Morphic Event processing (Bert)
        ok, aren't  Morphic events constrained to flow along the Morphic component tree ? 

Yes, and that's exactly what you want. Clicking or typing outside the simulator window should not create a simulation event.

              If so, that would imply sub-classing the ImageMorph that the Simulator paints the world on where I can implement the forwarding/filtering/translation functionality.

Not necessarily. There should be a SimulatorMorph that holds onto the simulator itself and embeds the image morph. That could present a nice UI, and could either handle events itself, or register event handlers with the image morph. If you need UI ideas I suggest you try my SqueakJS morph (which essintially is also a VM simulator): http://lively-web.org/users/bert/squeak.html It's a shame we never bothered to make the simulator this nice ;)

- Bert -