Alright, one more sad observation. Of all the Law Enforcement violence, either perpetrated by LEOs against citizens or by citizens against LEOs, in all cases I am aware or recall having heard, all of these involve police officers. No violence, or very little, is perpetrated against or by Sheriff Deputies. As counties are a good and proper and consistent scope of crime administration, regardless of the density, police ought to report to the Sheriffs and let's put and end to broken windows policy and discriminatory enforcement. Police are always in our shit, and have their egos to boot. Sheriff Deputies, by comparison, are laid back and easy to talk to. They engage the public in respect, without attitude.

Bob didn't shoot the deputy.

On 12/17/2016 10:11 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote:

Last bit, a mantra: Crime & Punishment creates massive mental illness in our society. Ask the Russians.

On 12/17/2016 10:05 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote:

Well, my paranoia is kicking. I spoke too broadly of police, I have interacted with many and they do a lot of good. A bad apple spoils the whatever and their code of silence allows for that sort of rot. I tell it straight, because they monitor the list. I pissed them off! Do you think it passed the sanity test that cops run all street drugs with their felon database in hand? Damn! All those Fellas are going to turn and bite their masters' hand, you watch! Stacking these grown men like Twinkies in overcrowded prisons. There is a debt that needs to be paid and the righteous are those in prison on a bunch of bullshit paper.  Vive la revolucion! Ok, sorry I went political. I am done.

On 12/17/2016 9:49 PM, Charlie Robbats wrote:

I am sad with you in your diagnosis. I get that too, the blues. I get high if I am holding and listen to "Kind of Blue" or deep house or reggae.  Some X would be good, but herbage is my mainstay to drop my constant threat mode (hypervigilence). I do not want a repeat of what happened! Unfortunately I drive people away to make sure of that. I appreciate your alls kindness. I wanted to share a solid explanation of why I am such a dick at times. I flip to active threat mode, I struggle to control this. It doesn't help that the police have been stalking me for 2 years, I am all caught up in their noise. Don't believe a word of their truthfulness. The blue wall of silence breaks God's commandment thou shalt not bear false witness. Police violate that daily, protecting their brothers who shoot unarmed black men in the back and claim they are fearing for their lives. Really? No, really? Well, that is a different story. That just freaking triggers me. And my opinion makes me their target. At least in my C-PTSD befuddled mind.

Be well all!