On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Rob Withers <reefedjib@yahoo.com> wrote:
Utilities pointersTo: object

Thanks Rob. But that implementation does a someObject and then loops with nextObject. Thus, it does a full memory scan. I want to avoid that. So the only way is storing somewhere such pointers or at least a counter I think.

Thanks agian


From: Mariano Martinez Peck
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:40 AM
To: Squeak Development Discussion Virtual Machine
Subject: [Vm-dev] Detecting objects that point to an object

Hi folks. I need to know the objects (actually, only how many) that are pointing to any object. So...I take an object X, and I want to know how many objects are pointing to X.

The only possible I see in Squeak VM is to do a full mark over all objects in memory (or starting by the roots). This is time consuming and I even need (maybe) to do this check (to know how many objects are pointing to an object) for every single object.

So...is there a faster solution for this? The only thing I can imagine is to modify the object header, maybe create a new type, and add an array with the addresses of the objects that are pointing to that object. Or maybe just a counter that I can increase or decrease ?

Thanks for any tip.
