On 23 Jan 2014, at 12:32 , Bob Arning <arning315@comcast.net> wrote:

I don't think there is any reason to convert to an OS array - HandMorph>>processEvents already knows the OS event array that was used to generate the squeak event. Making that accessible may be all you need from the front end.


There are multiple ways to Rome, each with their own advantages.
What you describe would be simple, but probably require one to overriding the MorphicEvent definition/HandMorph code though. (Plus doing coordinate translation of the event buffer in the SimulatorMorph)

In a Pharo VMMaker-image, you could bypass morph event handling entirely without touching any core system code, by registering a custom InputEventHandler to the InputEventFetcher, which would do a short inside/active test for mouse/keyboard events respectively, and adding the array to the SimulatorMorphs event queue. (with coordinate translation as in the above approach)

Translating back from Morphic events is more work, true, but can be done with standalone code, and would work in both Pharo and Squeak.
