On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Craig Latta <craig@netjam.org> wrote:


    For the next Spoon release I want debuggable VMs and plugins on all
platforms. In 2007 for win32 I created a Microsoft Visual C "solution"
for use with the free MSVC Express Edition (2008 or later). The debugger
is decent.

    I scanned the current CMake-based stuff, but didn't see anything
about MSVC (or win32 gdb for that matter). Is there a current route for
debugging the win32 VM using MSVC or gdb (or anything more pleasant than
printf)? Or should I update my MSVC stuff and contribute it somewhere?
In 2007 I only gave it to Andreas (the win32 VM maintainer) and a few
other folks who asked for it.

Hi Craig.  I did a post about how to build and debug a Cog VM with the new CMake stuff and how do debug it.
You probably know most of the stuff there but it may help you for the CMakeVMMaker configs.

Anyway, I tried to debug with gdb in Windows. The results where that I could sucessfully build the VM in windows with all the debug symblos, no compiler optimizations, etc...
I could run the VM with gdb, no problem.  The only REAL problem (which is quite big in fact) I have is that when I did a ctrl+c instead of interrupting the VM and hence get the gdb prompt....it killed gdb directly :(  I look in Internet and seems to be a known problem.

I didn't try the CMake generator (-G xxx) because I don't have a Visual nothing installed.





Craig Latta
+31 06 2757 7177
+ 1 415 287 3547
