On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua@gmail.com> wrote:

On 25 August 2011 23:26, Michael van der Gulik <mikevdg@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> Are there really 14 bits free in the Class "format" field?
> The comment for Class>>format:

probably yes.
There are 12 bits are for identity hash (and 2 more?),
and since every instance has own hash value, these bits in format
field of class is not used.

I didn't understand. Why you say there are 14 free bits in the instVar 'format' of a class?  I was checking the method #format: nInstVars variable: isVar words: isWords pointers: isPointers weak: isWeak

and I don't understand that.

