Found it! I was accidentally writing a class as the method class literal into a compiled method. This is usually an association (or ClassBinding). This explains the segfault upon super send.

The reason this only showed up in trunk is that i had a correct Environment>>associationAt:ifAbsent: but not for #bindingOf:ifAbsent:, which, in trunk, is the new message send in Class>>binding.

I'm closing this issue. Here's an MWE in case you want to do something with the segfault:

| class method |
Object subclass: #Foo
	instanceVariableNames: 'env'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Bar'.

class := Smalltalk at: #Foo.
class compile: 'printString super prinstString'.

method := (Smalltalk at: #Foo) compiledMethodAt: #printString.
	literalAt: method numLiterals
	put: class.
class new printString

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