On 2012-06-18, at 4:02 PM, Herbert König wrote:

Hi Janko,

In short, you make such upgrade in three steps: .............

Thanks, looks like a plan.

OK, so we need three things, I guess:

1. We need an Aida 6.1 that works in Squeak 4.3. 
2. We need to export the code for the website and update it to Aida 6.1. Or we can get it from http://mc.bioskop.fr/SqueakSite/
3. And then we need to export the data from the image and import it into the new image. 

The first two I sort of understand. The last one is new me. I look at the image and say "How did the content get into those
instances and how am I going to get it out?"

If an image segment or .obj file will not pass from a non-Cog image to a Cog image, then the only tool, I guess, is XML 
and using that Persister class, which I think uses SIXX. (Of which I know little.) 

I'm thinking #1, making Aida work in Squeak 4.3, is only something Janko can do. The tests say Aida works fine, but
that Swazoo has a bunch of failing tests. 

#2 & #3 I'd say we can figure out together. 

I'm really glad to have your assistance in this, 
