A couple of nitpicks about the front page after taking a look at the latest state - nitpicks are good, since it means the basics are good!

Under ‘Download’ 
- possibly change "All-In-One bundle that works for Windows, OS X and x86 linux systems.” to "All-In-One bundle that works for most modern x86 Windows, OS X and x86 linux systems.” just to be clear that it won’t work on Windows RT (does anything?) and MIPS/Clipper/68k/PPC/etc unixes.
- turn the mentions of the Downloads page and Documentation page into links and/or mention the tabs at the top.
- change label of the Download button to Download All-in-one

Oh, whatthehell, I’m suggesting it should end up like this (modulo the fact I couldn’t actually edit the page code)-
Of course, we need to make a better downloads page than just pointing to the horribly messy ftp archive page and the documentation… oh my. I’ve been spending a fair bit of time trying to improve the doc on the swiki but there is a huge amount still needing attention. If anyone knows good ways to cajole, persuade, or even blackmail people into helping then I’m all ears. (Not literally you understand; I actually have arms and legs too.)

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Diagnostics are the programs that run when nothing else will.