[Newbies] Fun with Dates

Bert Freudenberg bert at impara.de
Sun Jul 9 20:43:27 UTC 2006

Here's a fun little snippet of code to let you plan unusual birthday  
parties. Just insert a list of dates and get a list of parties, like  
celebrating the 2222nd week of birth ;-)

| start end parties birthday birth number party |
start := (Date today subtractDays: 14) asSeconds.
end := (Date today addDays: 365*5) asSeconds.
parties := SortedCollection new.
#('1/3/1995' '7/30/1999') do: [:each |
	birthday := Date fromString: each.
	birth := birthday asSeconds.
	1 to: 9 do: [:digit |
		{false. true} do: [:repeatDigit |
			number := digit.
			12 timesRepeat: [
				#(1 60 3600 86400 604800) with:
				#('seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'days' 'weeks') do:
					[:unit :units |
						party := birth + (number * unit).
						(party between: start and: end) ifTrue: [
							parties add: (Date fromSeconds: party) ->
								(number asString, ' ', units, ' since ', birthday asString)]].
				number := number * 10.
				repeatDigit ifTrue: [number := number + digit]]]]].
Transcript clear.
parties do: [:each | Transcript show: each asString; cr].

- Bert -

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