[Newbies] MVC freezes

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Jan 16 10:08:06 UTC 2007

On Jan 16, 2007, at 2:59 , Another Dave wrote:

> Thanks. Alt-d does it.
> I guess there's no mouse button for this in MVC?

There should - MVC was the origin of the three mouse button usage.  
You have the red, yellow, and blue button, and the yellow button is  
mapped to pop up a context menu. In the windows VM, by default the  
right mouse button is mapped to yellow, if you enable the three- 
button mouse setting, the right button will be "blue" and the middle  
one will be "yellow". "Middle" means clicking the scroll wheel  
nowadays - make sure your mouse driver actually generates a "button 3  
down" event for this.

Now, I just tried MVC in a 3.9 image on the Mac, and it is seriously  
broken, I saw freezes, sluggishness, missed clicks etc. Looks like  
nobody has ventured into these fields for a while.

- Bert -

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