[Newbies] SampleCode-ImageViewer

Wade Scholine wscholine at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 14:02:51 UTC 2007

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 16:35:27 +0100
From: "Michael Davies" <mykdavies+squeak at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Newbies] SampleCode-ImageViewer
To: "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions
       about   Squeak." <beginners at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
       <ef9f0b4e0706270835u7c061ac1nc456db47282b1e39 at mail.gmail.com>
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(re-sent as my original didn't get through)

Hi Wade, Edgar,

I wrote that sample application, so I'm sorry you had problems getting
it working. As you worked out, it's fussy about the (number, and case
of) file extensions it recognises. I've fixed those issues and uploaded a
new version, as I'm sure that this will have caused other people
problems too.

Edgar - you mentioned that you'd have done things differently. I
started writing a more complex application, but realised that image
handling on my Mac wasn't very fast, so I stripped the application
back down, but thought it was useful to document what I'd produced as
I had a lot of trouble getting to a core SystemWindow-based
application. Are you saying that (i) using SystemWindow is not the
approach you'd have taken, or (ii) that's not how you'd have implemented a
SystemWindow-based application? (or both!).

I'd appreciate any comments you have, and may add them to the
application as warnings to anyone who picks it up in future.

I found that it worked OK after I arranged for the file extension check to
look of #JPG and #JPEG.

The other problems I was having with it were because I was not hitting enter
on the PluggableTextMorph before clicking on the goBack and goNext buttons.
I'm not sure why I didn't notice the comments and balloon help about
pressing enter in the PluggableTextMorph.

I haven't had time to look at it more deeply since. I would have thought it
would be nice if the goNext/Back buttons cause the directory field to accept
if it hadn't already, I think this would be more in keeping with the
behavior of modern GUIs. I didn't see an obvious way to make that happen.
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