[Newbies] Where is BytecodeGenerator?

Damian Dobroczyn'ski qoocku at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 18:55:20 UTC 2007

Matthew Fulmer napisa?(a):
> On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 02:31:40PM +0200, Damian Dobroczy??ski wrote:
>> Documentation says
>> that it should be Squeak 3.7 which means VM v. 3.7 or image v. 3.7?
> That always means an image version 3.7. VM version is
> independent of image version, even though they mirror each
> other. Any image version should work with any VM between the
> latest VM, and the VM that was released with it.

Thx for the explanation. I've just downloaded sources of Squeak v. 3.7
(the image) and it DOES NOT contain BytecodeGenerator (should it?)

So, I downoladed full installation of Squeak3.7 (binaries and image),
ran SqueakMap Package Loader and....ended up with dialog which happily says:
"Reading an instance of ByteSymbol. Which modern class should it
translate to? a) Let me type the new name now; b) Let me think about it;
c) Let me find a conversion file on the disk". ????!!!!!!. The system
browser poped-up with its whole majesty & glory displaying such a piece
of miracle code:


	^ PutNewClassHere

Of course SqueakMap Package Loader IS NOT installing anything any more.

Does it mean something? The image is corrupted? The sources file is
corrupted? It's a joke, isn't it?

It's becoming funnier every minute I spent on Squeak...really. Simply,
anything which I'm interested in is unusable. First Magma smart start-up
objects strangle the whole system, now GOODS Smalltalk interface calls
for enigmatic BytecodeGenerator which exists - somewhere in space. When
I politely download the required version (with this
Byte<something>Generator) - I'm expected to find a class for a symbol
?????? It's a joke for sure but I do not have enough sense of humor...

So, my question is still valid: WHERE IS the BytecodeGenerator ????? How
can I install this class and its heirs on current, modest, three point
seve/eight/nine image? Somebody help me please.


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