[Newbies] Some general questions

Darren White bobblebob at gmail.com
Tue May 22 14:58:57 UTC 2007


Is there a way to use a string as the name for a object? For example if I
have the input string 'fred' from a user input field how do I create a
object named userFred or even just fred?

What is the difference between the source file and the image? Does the image
use the code from the source file? If I create code dose it live in the
image or source file?

Is there a way to trigger a save prompt when clicking on the window close

And a question about posting to this list: I notice that the replies to my
last post didn't have 'Re' prefixed to them. How do I reply to a thread. For
my lat post it seems that I accidentally relayed to the thread I had started
by starting a new thread -oops.

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