[Newbies] Quinto game in SBE

Steve Moffitt stevia at citlink.net
Wed Sep 19 15:49:47 UTC 2007

Hi Bill --
The game works fine in my image.
1) The first thing I would look at is when the debugger comes up I  
would select the second line from the top of the list that is shown  
in the top pane of the debugger. When you do that the debugger opens  
and will have the offending message highlighted. I would select the  
object that is getting that message and cmd-i ( or ctl-i ) which  
brings up an inspector which will show you if you really have  
aSBECell or not. If you are not getting the right object there is  
probably something in the code that you did not copy correctly. Did  
you type the instructions in ?
2) same steps as one.

By the way the code for the examples can be downloaded from  


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